6 Tips for Getting Your Kids into Fitness

As a regular at the fitness gym, you’ve made exercise a priority, but have you thought about your children’s fitness, as well? It’s easy to assume kids get enough activity naturally and don’t have to worry about their fitness until later in life, but it’s the habits that are set in motion in childhood that will make a different in their health and fitness for years to come. Education Is Vital Kids do receive some health education in school, but parents play the most important role in teaching kids how to take good care of their bodies. Even if you practice healthy habits at home, it’s important to have conversations about why you do what you do and equip them to make their own healthy habits, both now and later. Here’s some advice on how to get your kids educated and interested in keeping fitness a priority. 1. Be encouraging rather than demanding. Getting kids into fitness isn’t the same as getting them to clean their rooms or do their homework. There are some things kids just need to...