
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to Find A Workout You Love

  In our last blog, we went over why it is important to love your workout. Now that you know WHY you should love your workout, you are probably wondering HOW to find one you love. Of course, because there is such a cornucopia of choices out there for you, you might be struggling to decide where to start. Here are some tips for finding the right workout for you to fall in love with. Try Something New You will never know you like something until you try it! If nothing you have ever done to exercise really strikes your fancy as something you could do consistently, it’s time to try something new. Grab a friend and head to a new fitness class! While this class may not be one you plan to attend regularly, it can help you determine what type of workout to look for. For example, you might hit a spin class and like the loud music and intense energy, but not the bike element, so a kickboxing class might be a better fit. Trying new things gives you a better picture of the workout of your dreams.

Don’t Let Allergy Season Get You Down!

Depending on where you live and what type of pollens you’re allergic to, allergy season has been in full swing for a few months now. If you’re one of the 50 million Americans who suffer from nasal allergies, this is a rough time of year for feeling your best and getting in quality workouts. Despite the inevitable seasonal battle with allergies, here are some coping methods you can use to keep them from hindering your active lifestyle. 1.     Adjust where and when you exercise Simply moving outdoor workouts to the fitness center during your peak allergy season can help you stay on top of your goals to get fit this spring and summer. Check the forecast:  dry, sunny, breezy conditions encourage allergens, while cool, rainy weather keeps the air cleaner. Also, check the pollen count: days with low pollen counts may be better ones to take your workout outside to enjoy the sunshine. 2.     Be smart about your allergy medication. Medication can be a tremendous help for seasonal allergies, esp

Not Just Weight Gain: Causes & Cures for Belly Bloat

When you experience the feeling of a swollen waistline from time to time, it can’t help but put a damper on your day. Before jumping to the conclusion that you’ve gained weight (despite your commitment to regular workouts at the fitness center and a healthier diet), it’s important to realize that belly bloat can be caused by many things besides how many calories we consume. The most frequent reason for feeling bloated is that there’s too much air or gas trapped in the stomach or intestines due to swallowed air or digestive processes. It can also be a sign of fluid (water) retention related to hormonal activity or eating habits. Finally, it can also be a sign of more serious problems like celiac disease, a perforated digestive tract, or even cancer (if you have severe, chronic bloating beyond the occasional discomfort we’re referring to, you should definitely visit a doctor). Whatever its cause, belly bloat is an uncomfortable experience that can interfere with our ability to enjoy life

Easy Ways to Improve the 5 Areas of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is about more than what you weigh. The U.S. Department of Health designates 5 areas of fitness: body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and flexibility. Keeping each of these aspects in balance will achieve the greatest level of fitness for you, individually, at whatever age and stage of life. The main way to do so is through regular activity -- outdoor sports, recreation, and fitness center workouts. If you’ve noticed the need for better fitness in these areas but aren’t sure where to start on the journey to improvement, we’d like to suggest practical ways to achieve balanced physical fitness. Body composition Improving your body composition (a.k.a. reducing fat and increasing lean muscle mass) can’t be tied to any one exercise program or diet because it depends on your current fitness and goals. Not everyone wants to reach the single digits of body fat, but most of us can stand to lose a few pounds of it. The best way to

National Sun Safety Week: Protect Your Skin During Summer Workouts

Summer is a great time to take our workouts outside and spend some time soaking up the sunshine. While the sun’s rays provide much of our body’s supply of Vitamin D, they also deliver an unhealthy dose of harmful radiation that can lead to signs of aging and, even worse, skin cancer. The Sun Safety Alliance has designated September 5 th through the 11 th as National Sun Safety Week – a time to focus on the importance of protecting our skin during the summer months. Whether you stay active in the fitness gym all year long or take your workout to the park or beach during the summer, keep these skin safety tips in mind. Wear sunscreen and lightweight, protective clothing. Whether you see the sun out or not, wear sunscreen. Studies show that sunburns increase your chances of developing skin cancer, so don’t take the risk or assume burning is a healthy process. When looking for a good sports-friendly sunscreen, find one that’s sweat-resistant and waterproof with both UVA and UVB protecti

7 Pre & Post-Workout Summer Skin Care Tips

As you prepare for a workout or throw your stuff together after completing a tough circuit at the fitness center, taking good care of your skin is probably the last thing on your mind – but it’s important. Working out, especially in the dry summer heat, can wreak havoc on your skin in ways that show up now and for years to come. As you spend time making your body healthy, use these skin care tips to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy, too. If you’re taking your workout outdoors, don’t forget the sunscreen. It can be easy to forget sunscreen, especially if it’s not sunny outside. Keep in mind that harmful UV rays can still reach your skin, even on a cloudy day. It’s also tempting to purposely avoid it – no one likes putting on a thick layer of greasy sunscreen when they’re getting ready to sweat. These days, there are many options for lightweight, sports-friendly sunscreens that still give your skin the protection it needs. Don’t wear heavy makeup during a workout. Ladies, if yo

The Spunk Fitness $5 - 1 day work out!

  The Spunk Fitness $5 - 1 day work out!!! Easy as 1,2,3... In and out - with no hassle!!! Cleaning Stations stocked with disinfectant spray and practicing social distancing to give our members a little extra room. Get your $5 $5 $5 1 day work out today!!! Become a member now! #fitness #gym #workout #fit #fitnessmotivation #motivation #bodybuilding #training #health #love #fitfam #lifestyle #instagood #sport #healthy #healthylifestyle #crossfit #gymlife #personaltrainer #exercise #follow #muscle #instagram #like #weightloss #fitnessmodel #gymmotivation #life

Creative Ways to Get in a Workout While on Vacation

 Vacation season is in full swing. While these are much-needed times of rest and relaxation, they also tend to throw off our workout and fitness center routines, making it harder to pick back up where we left off once the vacation is over. While you may want to use a vacation to let your body recover from a recent round of tough workouts and gear up for the next season of hitting it hard at the gym, it’s also important not to lose your current fitness level: it takes as little as two weeks to lose cardiovascular fitness and only four weeks to lose muscle gains . With that in mind, here are some creative ways to get in your workouts on the go, wherever your vacation takes you. 1.     Use the fitness center at the hotel – seriously. Not many people take advantage of the partial-to-full gym that’s included in their hotel amenities. Working out seems so boring and routine when there’s sightseeing and outdoor activities to do, right? Getting up a little earlier and hitting the hotel fitness

6 Tips for Swift Muscle Recovery

Muscle soreness is almost always a sign of progress, so even though it’s painful, it should also be encouraging. Still, lingering soreness a few days after starting a new fitness gym routine can also hinder you from progressing as quickly as you like or completing routine tasks (feeling daunted by those stairs after leg day?). While the best ingredient for muscle recovery is time, here are 6 tricks and tips you can learn from the experts who’ve been there. 1. Get enough sleep or a post-workout power nap. Sleep is one of the prime times our bodies repair themselves from the wear and tear of daily life, and that includes a tough workout. If you’re struggling with severe muscle soreness or just always feel fatigued, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, to start. 2. Take your rest days. The general recommendation is to allow 2 days of recovery before working the same muscle group again. Alternating your weight training between upper and lower body is a good way to balance and manage musc

How To Execute 3 Essential Exercises With Perfect Form

You’ve likely heard that the most important part of any strength exercise is having correct form. Regardless, you likely slogged through your exercise the way you always do because it’s what you’re used to and because, who has the time to nitpick about that, anyway? Well, this is why form is so important: It can prevent you from getting injured. Incorrect form can cause extra stress on certain parts of the body and put you in a vulnerable position susceptible to injury. It can help you lift heavier weights and improve your performance allowing for better overall results. It can help target the muscles you’re trying to focus on anyway, and utilize an exercise to its full potential. The barbell squat, bench press, and pull-up are three common exercises in the resistance training community. Each of these exercises has a specific technique to help decrease injury, while also enhancing performance. This article will share proper techniques for you to achieve the safest and strongest lifts p

Having A Hard Time Kick-Starting Your Journey To Better Health? Take A Fitness Vacation

The modern lifestyle make it difficult to treat our bodies well. From lack of sleep to long hours sitting at a desk, to limited time for exercise and cooking healthy meals, it seems like life is working against us and our fitness goals. If you’re having difficulty finding time to treat your body right, have you ever considered going on a fitness vacation? We use vacations to get away from the routine and stress of daily life – to relax and rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. Improving our nutrition and fitness is one effective way to restore our energy levels and rejuvenate our bodies – and doing it on vacation affords us time that’s set aside exclusively to focus on ourselves. The Benefits of a Fitness Vacation Many of us keep saying we want to get in shape and make the fitness center a daily habit, but we just don’t have the time to focus on it. Fitness vacations make it a priority, giving you the perfect opportunity to kick-start your goals. Here are some other benefits: Losing wei