Dynamic vs. Static Stretching: What’s the Difference?
We’re told that stretching is good for us – it lengthens the muscles we constrict during weight-lifting sessions; it improves our range of motion and flexibility, and it reduces our overall risk of getting injured. But, in the fitness community, there’s plenty of debate about when to stretch, how to stretch, and which type of stretching is best. To clear up any confusion and learn how to maximize the benefits of stretching in your fitness center routine, it’s important to understand the key differences between dynamic and static stretching. 1. Dynamic stretches use movement; static stretches don’t. Dynamic means active, energetic, or vigorous, so dynamic stretching involves movement – usually of more than one muscle group. Think of arm circles, hip hinges and circles, twisted lunges, leg swings, high kicks, and moving quad or hamstring stretches. These stretches take the body through a near-full range of motion that mimics t...